Better Decisions with the Power of Predictability

Assessment software, training, and consulting for upstream oil and gas

Risk is inherent in our industry. You need the best tools and guidance to make sound decisions. Our risk assessment trainings and tools empower teams and decision makers.

Our Services

01 Training

Assessing the Subsurface: From Concept to Development

Gain comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in hydrocarbon prospect and play assessment, unconventional and carbon evaluations, all with a focus on probability, uncertainty, and business risk.

02 Software

Field-Tested: Probabilistic Risk and Resource Assessment

Our user-friendly software provides comprehensive solutions for probabilistic risk and resource assessment, covering prospect and play definition, unconventional resource valuation, CO₂ sequestration/CCS, seismic amplitude analysis, portfolio aggregation, and performance tracking for both conventional and unconventional evaluations.

03 Consulting

Global Expertise: Achieve Predictive and Performance Goals

We offer comprehensive consulting services tailored to client needs, providing solutions for exploration assessment, play-based exploration, unconventional resource assessment, economic modeling, CCS Evaluation, performance tracking, E&P process and tool audits, and expert testimony.

What We Do Best

Enabling our clients to generate more predictable portfolio results

01. Conventional Assessment

02. Carbon Storage & Sequestration

03. Assurance Expertise

04. Unconventional Assessment

05. DHI Analysis

06. Play Risk Analysis

Interested In Learning More? View Our Software

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